Email Encryption

Email Encryption

An email was invented approximately fifty years ago. Firstly, it was a way of communication between the programmers, professors, and professionals. After that, common people started using email for communication purposes. It was not a secure way of communication and the hackers started stealing sensitive information. Now the email providers think about security and they came up with the idea of encryption.

Encryption changes the format of your data and you can send it in an unknown format to the receiver. The receiver gets the data and changes the format of the data by using a key. It is that simple. There are a lot of encrypting techniques available and you can use the one that fulfills your requirements.

Benefits of email encryption:

  • Avoid risks of losing confidential information.
  • Encrypt content being delivered via email.
  • Require some level of authentication.
  • Facilitate secure industry communication.

Isn’t My Email Already Encrypted?

Yes, it is encrypted but this type of encryption is not so much a strength to keep every aspect secure. Some time ago Google pinched Gmail to use a secure HTTPS connection instead of Transport Layer Security (TLS). This is good, but not so much.

Apple Mail allows you to add full encryption and digital signatures to your emails. It is not enabled by default but if you want to enable this feature, then you should get a certificate. There are some sources that you can use to get free certificates. Nowadays, we use Actalis to get a certificate for analysis purposes. When you have a certificate, then the emails are digitally signed automatically. If all the users have a certificate, then they just need to simply click on the lock icon to send an encrypted email.

The reason behind making email encryption software was to save your sensitive information. The email encryption software changes your sensitive information in any other format. If the hacker accesses your mail then he will not be able to read the message because your message will be encoded in another format. It will require a key to change the format of the information. Further, If you leak your encryption key then the email encryption software can do anything for you because in this case, the hacker can easily access the information. In this modern era, it is very important to use email encryption software.

Below we have listed some best email encryption software:

01. PreVeil:

It provides you secure cloud storage. PreVails is very beneficial for business and extremely easy to use. It uses an end to end encryption to keep your information secure. It saves your messages from spoofing, admin, and server attacks.

02. ProtonMail:

It is very easy to use it like webmail.  It allows you to protect your messages with zero access encryption. It uses end-to-end encryption.

03. Tutanota Premium:

This is the most secure way of transforming and sending emails. You can use it to encrypt all the points of your email. It uses strong open-source algorithms. You can use its free version to send unlimited emails without paying any cost. It encrypts everything, including headers, subject, body, and contacts.

You should use a strong password to log in. If the receiving party does not use Tutanota then you should create a strong password for all of them. Tutanota saves that password along with the other details of the contact to reduce the risk of conflict. You can also enable two-factor authentication. However,  ProtonMail, Private-Mail, StartMail, and Tutanota all support two-factor authentication. Tutanota also supports a Yubikey or other Universal 2nd Factor (U2F).

04. Virtru protects:

It provides consumers strong encryption-free. It requires you to use Gmail on Chrome to forward encrypted emails. The point is that the email providers aren’t focusing on security. So, you should protect your emails by using a third-party service that focuses on the security of the user’s sensitive information.

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