Normal Average-Human-Weight-think-skin

The Normal Average Human Weight & Who You Think Is Skinny

What we are going to read here

Do you know what the average weight for a human being is? Most people don’t. If you think about it, there are some questions that can have very complex answers.

Which is why I wanted to provide the definitive answer on the normal, average human weight. According to research, here are the four numbers you need to remember:180 lbs, 70 kg, 154 lbs, and 15.4 stone.


 Section: Understand the normal, average human weight with both male and females illustrated

Section: Know how far you are from your body weight ideal with charts on how far to peak BMI (body mass index) is for 30-year-olds, and adults.

Section: Recognize if you pass the test of being healthy (parts of your body fitting the hand)

Takeaway: Make an informed decision if you are too skinny or too fat. Where do you fit in?   


One of our biggest frustrations as humans is trying to figure out how we compare to everybody else. Take us out of our natural habitat and thrust us into a world where we’re surrounded by lots of different people, and we’re totally confused about what size we are.

“Am I big? Am I small? Did you see the guy over there with one leg? How does that work? Is he a wrestler or is he lame?”. Well, today I’m gonna help you with this frustratingly normal human frustration: I’m gonna talk about the average human weight.

What is Body Mass Index?

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. BMI does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, just a person’s weight in relation to their height.


Body mass index is used as an indicator of being underweight, overweight, and obesity.


A person’s BMI can be determined by dividing their weight (in kilograms) by their height (in meters) squared. For example, if someone weighs 75 kg and is 1.75 m tall, their BMI is 75/1.75² = 24.16 kg/m². The most commonly used categories of BMI ranges are:


Underweight = < 18.5 kg/m²


Normal weight = 18.5 to < 25 kg/m²


Overweight = 25 to < 30 kg/m²


Obesity I = 30 to < 35 kg/m²


Obesity II = 35 to < 40 kg/m²


Obesity III = > 40 kg/m²The results are then categorized into four ranges: underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese; the obese category includes people whose BMI is greater than or equal to 30 kg/m².

Body mass index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people, but it is not the same for everyone, especially athletes and muscular people.


While BMI is a good screening tool to identify possible weight problems for adults, it should not be interpreted as an official diagnosis of overweight or obesity.


The BMI is an estimate of body fatness for an adult who is 5′ 9″ tall. The formula is: BMI = (weight in pounds x 703) / (height in inches x height in inches). Alternatively, BMI may be calculated using the following equation: BMI = 2.3(weight in kilograms)/(height in meters)^2.


For children and teens, BMI can also be calculated using the CDC Growth Charts. In general, a child with a BMI that falls above the 85th percentile for his or her sex, age, and height has too much body fat. A child whose BMI falls between the 85th and 95th percentile has greater than ideal body fatness. A child whose BMI falls below the 5th percentile has too little body fat.*


There are many other factors that affect whether someone has a healthy weight besides their height and weight.

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat, calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.


Treating obesity as a disease has been controversial; many argue that it is more a symptom of other problems than something that needs to be treated by focusing directly on the BMI number. The useful aspect of BMI is that it is a simple and easy way to quantify a person’s body composition without expensive equipment or sophisticated tests. It was initially developed in 1830 by Adolphe Quetelet (pronounced [kətɛl]).


BMI does not actually measure the percentage of body fat; it only roughly correlates to this measurement. For example, athletes with high muscle mass may have several figures above what would be considered normal for non-athletes. However, their high muscle mass places them at a lower risk of disease for the same level of BMI. There are also some concerns about using BMI for children and adolescents, who still have growing bodies, as their BMI may not represent their body fat levels accurately.


Obesity is defined by a high BMI, and may also involve excess body fat, or excess lean body mass. A high muscle mass can contribute to obesity.

The average human weight (not including sitting around all day watching Netflix) is 163 pounds.

Definition of Obesity


Obesity is a condition where excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. It is most commonly diagnosed by means of BMI categories.


Additional factors that are considered include waist circumference and waist-hip ratio. The term “obese” may be applied when body mass index (BMI) or the Quetelet index indicates greater than 30 kg/m2, or body fat exceeds 25%.


Body mass index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of an individual. In adults, it is calculated as the individual’s body weight divided by the square of their height. BMI provides a reliable index of overweight and obesity. It is not as accurate in very muscular individuals or those who have lost muscle mass.


Excessive weight is associated with various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Some drugs can cause weight gain, while others can both cause weight gain and affect weight independent of diet and exercise; some examples are corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory drugs), antiretroviral drugs for treating HIV/AIDS.

Obesity is a chronic disease that occurs when excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility. A few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications, or mental illness. Obesity increases the risk of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, and gallbladder disease.


Treatment often includes changes in diet and increasing physical activity. Lifestyle changes are typically recommended in those who are obese. Surgery may be considered if medical therapy fails. Increasingly common in current times is the bariatric surgery where stomach reduction surgery is performed with an intention to reduce obesity

The normal average human weight, as of 2010 is 68.5 kg (150 lbs).

Did you know that the average weight of a male is 78.2 kilos and for a woman, it’s 61.6 kilos? But if we look at these figures on a percentage basis, only 48.4% of men are actually within the average weight range (67.5-78.3), while only 38.9% of women fall into that category.

So if you’re a guy who’s skinny and thinks you’re fat, well, take heart in knowing that you can safely remain a skinny guy — no need to worry about your body mass index (BMI) just yet in those extra skin-tight jeans!

In the USA obesity has reached epidemic proportions. In fact, millions of people in the USA are seriously overweight, and most of them are not even aware of it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines obesity as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. This means if your height is 5’10” and 180 lbs, you would be considered obese; even though you may feel like you are thin…

Human weight has long been considered a defining parameter where health is concerned. But what IS a healthy human weight? Is it possible that there is no such thing as the “perfect” weight or body mass index (BMI)? That depends on who you ask. In fact, there’s quite a bit of difference between the average (or median or mode) weight of humans and how we perceive our own bodies.

Every time I am on Facebook or Instagram and I see a post that says “changed my life” or some such – I pretty much ignore it.

Unless it’s one of my close friends, they go up to the mountains in China once a year with three other friends and some guys go up to the mountains every month and do backflips over elephants. But this photo was different; it was a post of me on a hot air balloon with an actual hot air balloon.

The caption on my favorite social media site said “I lost 24 pounds by eating well and exercising” — hey, maybe he could start the next big dieting craze – put the world’s overweight population into hot air balloons and fly them to Australia…then a selection from one of his many recipes would be served buffet style until everybody is too full to eat anymore and has dropped all their excess weight. But seriously, what can you lose from sitting in a hot air balloon? Oh yeah, your weight! I had left my scales and measuring tape at home when I went on holiday last summer so I booked the next flight home after having been away for 5 days. I had actually expected to have packed on those zaftig pounds most people gain in.

Skinny people. There’s nothing wrong with them, but you know all about them. You struggle to see what all the fuss is about, even though they seem to take up all of the space on the subway that immediately reminds you to go and buy that gym membership. And you know why? Skinny people have it easy!


The normal healthy weight range for adults is from 65-80% body fat for women and 70-90% for men. This means that the skinniest person or most muscular person in the world would not be a good example of normal/healthy weight. A better example of normal/healthy weight would be someone within the “average” range, whose body fat percentage is closer to 35-45%.

Skinny fat is a term used to articulate someone who has low body fat and looks skinny but still has excess body weight. Basically, this means that even though you or your friend might be skinny, it might be dangerous to weigh too little. If the skinniest person in the world loses a lot of weight, their organs might not be able to work normally and they will develop many health problems. It is important for those who want to lose weight to do so in a healthy way by eating healthier and exercising outside of the house.

If you have an idealized image of what someone who is skinny looks like, think again: if you had to use the word “skinny” to describe yourself or someone else (based on appearance), it really depends on how tall you are. I know, weird right? But if you’re planning a diet, your average weight falls in the “lean” category.

While there’s certainly nothing wrong with striving to be as skinny as you can get, it might not be for everyone. Understanding the average weight for your height can help you set achievable weight loss goals without needing to go to unhealthy extremes.

This is an average BMI for people around the world and how you compare to this specific number. You may find that you think someone a bit heavy is classified as obese when they are not.

When it comes to your BMI, is it really what you are what you think? Do you know how healthy your weight actually is? Is your “healthy” weight healthy for everyone? These questions don’t have easy answers. However, although these questions (and many more) have yet to be answered with one clear winner, experts can agree on one thing: if you are overweight, the time for action is now. It may not make sense to compare yourself to others or even our averages and norms. But keeping your health in mind will benefit you far more than comparing yourself to others.

Finally, if you want to shed some pounds but you are wary about doing crunches for a whole hour every day, you should probably consider high-intensity interval training that involves short sessions of exercise at high intensity. On the other hand, if your aim is to build up your muscle mass even further, then you should try adding extra weight to the exercises you do now.

According to the World Health Organization, the average weight for a male between the ages of 20-29 years old is about 172 pounds and for a female in the same range, it is about 140 pounds. So if you’re wondering if you’re underweight, overweight, or just plain normal, chances are, you’re normal.

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